you have the word flourish written all over you and your future.
flour·ish / verb / To revive, blossom, to sprout, break out.
about jennie
Jennie is wife, a mom, a church planter, a learner, and a dreamer. She loves spin and boxing, good food and sugary coffee, trying to keep house plants alive, and wearing the same thing every day but also getting fashion advice from Levi. Jennie is also a hugger, so beware if you meet her.
about the luskos
After three years of marriage, with one baby in tow, sitting in the Salt Lake City airport Levi and Jennie got clarity from God that they were going to plant a church in Montana. They knew God was calling them to this, what they didn’t know was how God would reach the world from the small town of Kalispell. They stepped out in faith with a dream that He would do it.
the fight to flourish
Do you ever struggle with an underlying sense of guilt, the feeling that you’re not measuring up, that you’re not where you imagined you would be, or should be? How is growth possible when you can barely keep your head above water?
In The Fight To Flourish, you will learn how to:
Discover that flourishing is not an impossible destination but a divine revelation of where you’re living right now.
Find relief from life’s overwhelming circumstances by resting in the realization that God is fighting for you.
Trust that God is growing you in the gap between your expectation and reality.
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